遁 世 的 釀 酒 傳 奇

Miani di Enzo Pontoni


"Enzo Pontoni is simply on another planet. In the best years his wines frankly have no peers in Italy. The textural richness and depth Pontoni coaxes from his old-vine parcels is a marvel."   - Antonio Galloni

  Miani酒莊位於義大利東北部Friuli區中Colli Orientali del Friuli產區的一個小型酒莊,莊主Enzo Pontoni從90年代開始接手父親的莊園,在擁有及租來位於Buttrio和Rosazzo兩個小村落山坡上約15公頃的葡萄園中,主要種植當地原先品種如Friulano,Ribolla Gialla,Refosco,Tazzelenghe, Pignolo等和已經在當地普遍種植許久的國際品種如Sauvignon Blanc,Chardonnay,Merlot,Cabernet Sauvignon等。年過半百、身高近兩米的Enzo,是個相當辛勤的果農,所有農事皆親力親為,沒有結婚的他,幾乎把所有的時間與精神都投注在葡萄園中。為了就近照顧葡萄,他就住在葡萄園旁的簡單農舍中,每天忙進忙出,幾乎只有午晚餐與睡覺時間才稍事休息。如此的辛勤付出,葡萄給了他最好的回報,絕佳品質的葡萄,讓他能滿意的釀造出極為優異的各式紅白酒款。Miani2.jpg

  Miani的葡萄大多數種植於1950~60年代之間,由於葡萄樹齡極老(平均約55年),而且Enzo先生採用自然農法,不壓迫葡萄的天生成長與結果,所以結成葡萄品質極高但收成量稀少,加上所有Miani酒款從種植到釀造,幾乎都是Enzo一人堅持手工完成,各酒款的裝瓶數最多不超過2,500瓶,最少也只有600瓶,而且Enzo極為堅持高品質的控管,不達心目中標準便捨棄不裝瓶,所以每年總產量最多也僅不到一萬瓶,是全球葡萄酒迷用盡各種方式都不見得能蒐集到的罕見佳釀。連大名鼎鼎的義大利酒評專家Antonio Galloni都難一償想蒐集入手的心願,他不禁提到: “… I remember visiting the estate a few years back and trying (without any luck) to purchase a few bottles. Pontoni showed me his allocations. I assumed we were looking at case allocations, but the numbers turned out to be bottles! ...anyone who has the good fortune to find these bottles should not hesitate, they are among the finest wines being made in Italy today!"


2016 Friulano Filip AG94預購現金價****.-

2016 Friulano Buri AG93+ 預購現金價****.-

2016 Ribolla Gialla Petttarin AG95 預購現金價****.-

2016 Ribolla Gialla Saurint AG95 預購現金價****.-

2016 Sauvignon Zitelle AG97 預購現金價****.-

2016 Sauvignon Saurint AG95 預購現金價****.-

2016 Chardonnay Palis  預購現金價****.-

2015 Sauvignon Zitelle AG93 預購現金價****.-

2014 Ribolla Gialla Petttarin AG89 預購現金價****.-

2013 Rosso AG92 預購現金價****.-

2013 Merlot Buri AG97 預購現金價*****.-

2013 Merlot Filip AG94+ 預購現金價*****.-

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