Giuseppe Quintarelli
五年前以85歲高齡辭世的Giuseppe Quintarelli,不但被酒迷尊稱為Maestro del Veneto唯內多大師,也是義大利最偉大的釀酒師之一。在他一生不斷追求完美與突破的努力之下,釀造出款款展現絕世風華的精彩佳釀,更因為他慷慨不藏私的分享技藝下,提攜了許多有志的新生代釀酒師,大大提升整個Veneto產區的釀酒水準,精彩地在義大利釀酒版圖中綻放出耀眼的光芒。無論有多少的讚譽,Giuseppe總是很謙虛的把這些歸功於大自然的恩賜,純樸甚至有點害羞的他一直強調:我們家族釀酒已經超過一百年了,種植、照顧葡萄樹與釀造葡萄酒是我唯一會做的事,而我一直所做的事,都是我父親所教我的。生於這塊美麗葡萄園的他,念茲在茲的始終是這份他從事了一輩子的工作,幸運的我們,因為有這位認真的終生釀酒職人,才得以一嚐葡萄酒博大精深且無窮止盡的完美境界。懷念這位大師的不僅是全球的酒迷,也包括Veneto以及全義大利許多受其啟發的釀酒新生代。
毋庸置疑Giuseppe所生產的每一款葡萄酒已是公認的義大利傳奇,其中最精彩非凡的首推Amarone della Valpolicella,以55%的Corvina Veronese和Corvinone、30%的Rondinella、15%的Cabernet Sauvignon、Nebbiolo、Croatina、Sangiovese等混釀而成,只在上好年份生產,手工精心採收與篩選,放在木箱中進行appassimento(風乾),在一個多月後的十一月到一月之間,貴腐也會伴隨產生,風乾到一月底結束後,進行破皮和20天的泡皮,酒精發酵由天然酵母自發性展開約為期45天,之後在大型斯洛伐尼亞橡木桶中進行至少七年的陳年培醞,此階段酒精發酵也不斷進行,將大部份的殘餘果糖發酵殆盡,成為不甜的紅酒。Amarone架構宏偉深沉,層次繁複多變,細緻柔美勾勒出精彩無比的絕妙風味!
雖是一代宗師,不過Giuseppe卻不是死守傳統而故步自封的人,他很早就開始種植法國波爾多的品種,釀成了這一款Alzero。精挑細選所採收的Cabernet Franc(40%)、Cabernet Sauvignon(40%)和Merlot(20%),結合當地傳統的釀酒方法,葡萄約經過75~100天的風乾程序,壓榨破皮後進行約20天的浸皮同時天然酵母也開始自發性發酵約50天,完成後先放入法國小橡木桶(225公升)進行2~3年的陳年培醞,換桶放入大斯洛伐尼亞木桶陳年培醞4年而成。或許許多酒評家以Chateau Cheval Blanc相提並論讚美Alzero的品質精彩絕妙,不過Alzero絕非僅僅如此,早已是自成一格的大師精湛風範。
星澈酒品獻上Giuseppe Quintarelli Amarone della Valpolicella 2007和Alzero 2007,大師的絕頂佳釀,敬請參考並把握預購良機!
2007 Amarone della Valpolicella AG96 RP96 預購現金價****.-
The 2007 Amarone della Valpolicella is a real stunner. Rich, seductive and generous, the 2007 captures all of the intensity of the year. Wild red cherry, licorice, menthol, spice, vanillin seem to envelop every corner of the palate. Sumptuous and yet very much classic in its weight and feel, 2007 Amarone is a winner. The 2007 can be enjoyed now, but it also has enough stuffing to drink well for many years to come, although it will likely not be as long-lived as some other recent vintages. I doubt that will be a concern for most readers. This is a fabulous wine by any measure. A 2007 Riserva, as well as Alzero, will follow. -- Antonio Galloni, May 2017
2007 Alzero AG97(06) RP95 預購現金價*****.-
Amarone-inspired red blend.The two Cabernet varieties undergo a three-month appassimento process and the Merlot is added at the last minute before bottling.This last grape adds a very evident layer of cherry sweetness and softness that goes a long way in defining this wine.Alzero has been in production since 1983 and no vintage has ever been skipped.This is a dark and brooding expression with a playful mix of sweet fruit intensity and dark tannic background shading. - Monica Larner, June 2017