Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza
為了能搭配好吃到不行、讓人一路吃不停的各式各樣西班牙美食國粹tapas,Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia酒莊將位於酒莊四公里外、面積約24公頃的Vina Cubillas單一葡萄園用來生產Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza這一款酒。百年來的傳統,Vina Tondonia堅持只使用來自自家葡萄園所精選的最佳葡萄,以古老的工藝純手工釀造每一款酒,尊重天地的自然的力量,堅信葡萄酒必須經過長時間的培醞才能成就芳醇的滋味,絲毫不能偷工減料,也就無須花俏的技法與高科技的設備,當然最後也沒有任何捷徑,只能耐心靜靜等候,連這一款Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza,也是必須經過桶中培醞三年後,裝瓶再加上酒窖陳年五年以上,共耗時八年以上的光陰才推出市面,遠遠超過Gran Reserva法定的五年,如此令人感動又值得敬佩的心意,放眼全世界,也只有在Vina Tondonia找的到吧!
星澈酒品獻上最新上市的Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza 2014,再次分別獲得James Suckling 94分和Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 92分的史上最高評價!百年傳統與數年光陰結合才能幻化而成的感動滋味,耗時耗工得來的輕鬆好喝佳釀,敬請參考並把握新到貨特價良機!
2014 Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza JS94 RP92現貨特價***.-
The 2014 Viña Cubillo Tinto Crianza is a textbook vintage with some aromatic development, notes of fresh blood and some grainy tannins, perhaps less polished than previous vintages, lively and concentrated, a bit harsh. 2014 was a very rainy vintage. This is usually a blend of 70% Tempranillo, 20% Garnacho and 5% each Graciano and Mazuelo matured in well-seasoned, neutral American oak barrels for three years. by Luis Gutiérrez, The Wine Advocate July 2022 Week 2
JS:,RP: Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate