Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza
為了能搭配好吃到不行、讓人一路吃不停的各式各樣西班牙美食國粹tapas,Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia酒莊將位於酒莊四公里外、面積約24公頃的Vina Cubillas單一葡萄園用來生產Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza這一款酒。百年來的傳統,Vina Tondonia堅持只使用來自自家葡萄園所精選的最佳葡萄,以古老的工藝純手工釀造每一款酒,尊重天地的自然的力量,堅信葡萄酒必須經過長時間的培醞才能成就芳醇的滋味,絲毫不能偷工減料,也就無須花俏的技法與高科技的設備,當然最後也沒有任何捷徑,只能耐心靜靜等候,連這一款Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza,也是必須經過桶中培醞三年後,裝瓶再加上酒窖陳年五年以上,共耗時八年以上的光陰才推出市面,遠遠超過Gran Reserva法定的五年,如此令人感動又值得敬佩的心意,放眼全世界,也只有在Vina Tondonia找的到吧!
眾所周知2010是歐洲產區有史以來最佳的年分之一,經過近九年的漫長等待,終於盼得Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia酒莊第一款2010年份的紅酒上市-Vina Cubillo 2010(這應該也是全世界極少數最晚上市的2010年份佳釀之一吧!)。果然不出所料,Vina Cubillo 2010分別獲得James Suckling 95分和Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 93分的史上最高評價!
星澈酒品獻上Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza 2010,百年傳統與數年光陰結合才能幻化而成的感動滋味,耗時耗工得來的輕鬆好喝佳釀,去年十二月抵台上市,迅速熱銷完售,經與酒莊協商再爭取到額外配額且幸運於疫情爆發之際開運來台。敬請參考並把握現貨特價良機!
2010 Vina Cubillo Tinto Crianza JS95 RP93 現貨特價***.-
Cubillo is a very focused and quite crisp style of red that has spent three years in barrique and then in larger cask to wait for bottling, which happens two years before the expected release. The richness and depth of complex dried wood and spice here is seamlessly sewn into the dried red and dark cherries. The palate is pinned around a fresh-blackberry core that marries still sweet fruit to more savory style. Long and balanced. The tannins are fine yet assertive. It freshens into the finish nicely. Drink or hold. by James Suckling
The 2010 Viña Cubillo Tinto Crianza is superb and shows great depth and nuance, with great freshness, and the red cherries are complemented by notes of blood oranges, nutmeg and other spices. It has a soft and harmonious palate, with great balance and very good freshness.
by Luis Gutierrez, Wine Advocate#243 29 Jun 2019