
SAMOS Nectar 1980

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     SAMOS薩摩斯島是希臘第九大島,位於愛琴海東部(雖然是希臘領土,但其實離土耳其僅隔了兩公里的海峽)。島上遍植著小粒蜜絲加葡萄(small berried Muscat);蜜絲加有著迷人的香氣,尤以小粒品種的蜜絲加最為細膩、濃縮感最為豐厚純郁。薩摩斯島釀酒合作社(UWC SAMOS)負責島上葡萄收購提供農民穩定合理的收入,再由釀酒合作社進行葡萄酒生產,其生產的甜白酒在歐洲市場上相當活躍,每年有7000噸出口到法國,擁有法國甜酒市場15%的市占率。

    Nectar是SAMOS最高階酒款,而此款1980年釀造的Nectar經過28年的橡木桶陳年,於2008年裝瓶,僅有一桶共分裝成600瓶,原作為酒莊的公關用酒,專門招待貴客與外賓;於今年(2016)釋出予市場販售。而在2013世界葡萄酒大師協會(Institute of Masters of Wine)成立60年的紀念酒會上,SAMOS Nectar 1980年份首次公開亮相,同場尚有其它40款世界各地的珍稀佳釀,像是Taylor's Quinta do Vargellas 1970 Port,Graham's 1970 Port等;然而最終SAMOS Nectar 1980卻打敗其他各國佳釀獲得Jancis Robinson高分19分(19/20),Jancis Robinson稍後在自己的網站敘述此場活動的感想,文中對於SAMOS Nectar 1980讚譽有加.


       此款SAMOS Nectar 1980採用高海拔的小粒蜜絲加葡萄日曬15天以獲得極濃縮的口感,之後浸泡發酵約一星期,在放入橡木桶中陳年;此款酒初嚐即有豐滿的奶油糖果香伴隨蜂蜜、可可、堅果、咖啡及天然果乾等香氣,多種香氣均衡的縈繞於鼻息之間,層次分明、圓潤甜美,入口呈現活潑清澈且平衡的酸度,葡萄乾和蜜餞類甘甜餘韻纏繞不盡,相當迷人。

  星澈酒品為您推薦來自希臘Samos島上珍藏30年的希臘甜白酒SAMOS Nectar 1980,僅有一桶只產600瓶,很高興台灣獲得部分的配給量,喜愛葡萄酒的您,敬請把握預購良機!

1980 Nectar ,SAMOS  JR19/20 預購現金價****.-<限量禮盒裝>

Muscat à Petits Grains. RS 190 g/l. 28 years in oak. From selected vineyards at 500m and above. Sun dried for 15 days and then macerated for a week. Just one barrel of this was made and bottled in late 2008, for PR purposes rather than commercial release. Mid bright reddish tawny. Very sweet and heady with some concentration. Butterscotch on the nose. It smells as though it's going to be a bit heavy going and sickly but the acidity on the finish is just great! It's labelled by hand. Sweet at first and then so transparent and lively. Was this specially bottled for us? If so it's a great loss to the wine world. Fabulous balance and drinkable without food. Just starting to be a little chewy on the finish.            by Jancis Robinson

以上價格歡迎來信 :letoilevin@gmail.com



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    SAMOS Nectar
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