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Luciano Sandrone

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Luciano Sandrone在1978年創立了以自己名字為名的酒莊,在成立酒莊之前,他是Marchesi di Barolo酒莊的酒窖總管,而且在自己酒莊成立之後,他還是兼任這份工作一直到1990年為止。Luciano Sandrone有著謙虛且開放的胸襟,在葡萄種植與釀酒方面,不但遵循Barolo的優良傳統,同時也師法波爾多與布根地的長處,雖然因為他的縮短浸皮與培醞時間並使用部份比例新橡木桶等做法,一般會將其歸納在現代改革派,但長時間掌管歷史名莊Marchesi di Barolo的歷練,也讓他的酒款處處表現出Barolo產區極致的風土美味。經驗豐富且非常認真的他,十分追求完美,精雕細琢出一款款優雅、精彩、容易親近卻又不失傳統Barolo紮實層次的美味佳釀,無怪乎自第一個年份面世,馬上受到市場的熱烈迴響,眾多專業媒體均不吝給予高分肯定,1990年份Barolo Cannubi Boschis不但是義大利葡萄酒最先獲得Robert Parker 100分完美評價的少數酒款之一,2001年份更是神の雫中的第六使徒, Luciano Sandrone在葡萄酒界中的頂尖地位可見一斑。

酒莊目前共種植約27公頃的葡萄園,其中約有四分之三為自家的土地。在這其中最重要的莫過於是第一塊購入位在Cannubi約1.9公頃的葡萄園,Cannubi一直一來就是Barolo村最出色的產區之一,這塊位於Cannubi丘屬於Boschis次產區的葡萄園,全部種植Nebbiolo品種,平均樹齡約32年,稱產出Luciano Sandrone最引以為傲的單一葡萄園旗艦酒款Barolo Cannubi Boschis。另一款旗艦之作Barolo Le Vigne,葡萄則是來自三個村子的四塊葡萄園:Vignane (Barolo村),Conterni、Ceretta (Monforte村)和Merli (Novello村)所生產的Nebbiolo,依葡萄園分開來採收、發酵與木桶(500公升)培醞一年之後,再經調配混合,再進入木桶繼續陳年而成,透過Luciano Sandrone精湛的技藝,在豐富變化的層次中,展現不同風土的特色,架構出渾然一體的精妙風味。

Luciano Sandrone.jpg星澈酒品獻上Luciano Sandrone最新2012年份的兩款旗艦佳釀-Barolo Cannubi BoschisBarolo Le Vigne,限量供應,敬請參考並把握難得的預購良機!

2012 Barolo Cannubi Boschis AG94 RP93 預購現金價****.-

The 2012 Barolo Cannubi Boschis opens with beguiling aromatics redolent of crushed rose petal, spices, mint and new leather. Wonderfully layered and nuanced, especially for the year, the 2012 offers good freshness to match its inviting, supple fruit. I would prefer to drink it sooner rather than later, while its alluring, open-knit personality is on full display. In 2012, the fruit tends towards the redder end of spectrum, unusual for Cannubi Boschis, which usually tends towards darker shades of expression. The 2012 is perfumed, lithe and super-classy from start to finish.  by Antonio Galloni. Tasting date: November 2015

2012 Barolo La Vigne AG94+ RP94 預購現金價****.-

Sandrone’s 2012 Barolo Le Vigne is fresh, delineated and totally inviting. Freshly cut flowers, sweet red berries, mint, orange peel, chalk and white pepper make a strong first impression. Precise and finely sculpted throughout, Le Vigne has a bit more energy and aromatic presence than the Cannubi Boschis, and a touch better balance.   by Antonio Galloni. Tasting date: November 2015


AG: Antonio Galloni’s,RP: Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 




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