不只RP和WS都大力讚賞 還獲得團購大咖的青睞
Bodegas Vina Magana
這是一個堅持夢想且美夢成真的最佳例子,Bodegas Vina Magana從無到有,在短短的四十年期間,成為西班牙那瓦拉(Navarra)產區的聖殿級酒莊,生產出一系列優質佳釀,品質之高,讓西班牙許多新舊酒莊望塵莫及。就拿他所生產的最主力酒款-Dignus和Baron de Magana來說,這兩款以當地原生品種Tempranillo為主,巧妙地混和波爾多品種的Merlot和Cabernet Sauvignon而釀成,酒質高超出眾且售價平實親切,早已是許多酒迷的最愛!多個年份,兩款都連連得到Robert Parker評以90分以上的高分,Dignus 2009,得到Robert Parker的91高分,而Baron de Magana 2009則更不遑多讓,除了得到Robert Parker的92高分之外,更是同時獲得另一份權威專業雜誌-Wine Spectator編輯群的親睞,不但給予90高分,更特別在前年跨年檔的推特(Twitter)上大力推薦Baron de Magana 2009為“WS Daily Pick-當日最佳選酒”!
一切的故事開始於1970年,當Juan Magana在Barillas村開闢葡萄園和創立酒莊時,沒有人相信他能在這一片不毛之地種出任何成果來,但早在行動之前,Juan已經下過相當的工夫研究過,這一片位於那瓦拉南部埃布羅(Ebro)河沿岸的Ribera Baja副產區,乾燥貧瘠且表土充滿礫石,與波爾多右岸,特別是和Pomerol這個產區的風土條件幾乎雷同,於是除了種植當初法定的Tempranillo之外,並且透過了在法國開設育種公司的同鄉友人引進了多種波爾多品種,其中最珍貴難得的是取得來自Chateau Petrus的Merlot切枝(Petrus clone #181 class A),也成為最先在該區種植Merlot的酒莊,雖然這完全違反當時的D.O.C.法令,但Juan堅持自己的夢想,矢志釀造出媲美頂級波爾多的美味佳釀。
充滿雄心壯志的Juan抱持著創新的理念,但卻也同時吸收當地優良的釀酒傳統,講求自然種植,在以專精Merlot等波爾多品種之外也同時混釀Tempranillo等當地優秀品種,使用法國橡木桶同時也運用傳統大木桶來培醞葡萄酒,融古納今,Juan成功打造Bodegas Vina Magana成為一流酒莊,款款符合他心目中理想的佳釀獲得無數的高度評價與獎項,也成為西班牙皇室的御用酒莊之一。
連連不斷的眾多佳評,最近還獲得國內某團購大咖的青睞與大力推薦,星澈酒品特別獻上更陳年的Baron de Magana 2009,感恩回饋超值特價,數量有限,機會難得,敬請參考並把握!
2009 Baron de Magana RP92 WS90 現貨特價***.-
The sensational 2009 Baron de Magana possesses a Bordeaux-like personality, particularly Pomerol, which is not surprising since the cuttings for the 35% Merlot in the blend were acquired from the Petrus vineyard! The remainder of the blend is 35% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Tempranillo and 10% Syrah planted in an old alluvial river bed with underpinnings of limestone. The wine was aged 14 months in 70% new oak prior to bottling. A stunning value, it boasts a dense ruby/purple color as well as abundant notes of sweet mulberries, white chocolate and black currant fruit, incense, vanillin, mocha and a hint of espresso. It is a complex, modern-styled, Spanish red offering loads of fruit, medium to full body, and terrific balance as well as purity. Consume it over the next 4-5 years, although I would not be surprised to see it last a lot longer. by Robert Parker, Wine Advocate #208 Aug 2013
一次購買12瓶以上可享免費單點宅配 特價至2016.07.08止
Line ID:etoilevin 洽詢