-發掘Ribera del Duero的古老靈魂-
Ψ PSI, Dominio de Pingus
出生於丹麥而在波爾多與釀酒結緣的Peter Sisseck,最後落腳在西班牙。他在Ribera del Duero產區,慧眼看出許多老藤葡萄園的發展潛力,在1995年釀出了3900瓶以他孩童時的小名-Pingus命名的紅酒,頂尖的品質,震驚了酒評天王Robert Parker,立即在他該年八月出版的Wine Advocate雜誌中給於96-100分的接近完美之評價,並盛讚道:這是我生命中喝到過最好的紅酒之一!。接下來的每個年份都持續釀造出頂尖水準的Pingus,獲得更多國際專業媒體與酒迷的肯定與喝采,許多年份在競相收藏的喊價之下,每瓶售價突破1000美金甚至2000美金,成為當今是世上最名貴的佳釀之一,也替西班牙葡萄酒在全球酒壇的歷史中寫下輝煌且傳奇的一頁!
Peter Sisseck的Dominio de Pingus酒莊在獲致偉大的成就之後,他也不斷在思考如何回饋與協助所在的這一片西班牙的古老產區,持續的拜訪與分享他的經驗給當地的果農,從2006年開始,Peter Sisseck進一步與Alonso y Yerro酒莊的前釀酒師Pablo Rubio一起示範性的展開以”發掘Ribera del Duero的古老靈魂”為主旨的長遠計畫。在這個計畫中,他們一起協助產區內果農重新認識優質的老藤葡萄園,導入有機(organic)及生物動力法(biodynamic)來種植管理這些莊園,以發揮其原本就存在無窮的潛力,這個計畫在2007年開花結果,最新力作就是這瓶以希臘文第23個字母所名的Ψ PSI紅酒,主要採收來自產區內不同的老藤葡萄園,以無比的企圖心發展出當地原生品種Tinta del Pais (即Tempranillo)的頂級風味。
Ψ PSI的計畫從一開始的困難重重到後來逐漸獲得認同,有越來越多的果農們樂意加入這個計畫。在共同的願景之下,他們遵循一同討論出來對大地最友善的方式來種植葡萄園,並在Peter Sisseck和Pablo Rubio精湛的釀酒技藝與嚴格的品質管制下,釀造這一款集眾人心志而成的美味佳釀,也由於大家的團結合作,隨著執行時間的加長,葡萄逐年有了更佳的品質,這也完全反應在酒質上,一個年份比一個年份更好。
PSI 2013,一樣以高比例的 Tinta del Pais為主體,同時混入小部分Garnacha調配而成。經過長時間的發酵與浸皮,期間僅進行少次數的澆皮與攪桶,避免過度的萃取。發酵與浸皮完成後分別置入釀造過Pingus的2~3年舊法國橡木桶、大桶、水泥槽中進行長達18個月的培醞,去年五月進行裝瓶後,特別延長再進行6個月的瓶中陳年。PSI 2013是一個優雅清麗的年份,櫻桃、覆盆子等成熟的果香,伴隨著紫羅蘭花香和礦物的馨香氣息,同時層次中散發出香草、肉桂等多層次的美妙酒香,酒體集中均衡,單寧細滑高質感,有著絕佳的酸度支撐酒體,口感豐盈愉悅,餘韻芳醇且悠長,令人回味無窮。這不僅是一款大師出手的平價超值酒款,更是代表Peter Sisseck這位釀酒大師對Ribera del Duero這片大地的深愛與回饋之心。
星澈酒品獻上品質絕佳的PSI 2013,敬請參考並把握預購良機!
2013 Ψ PSI, Dominio de Pingus JS93 RP91 預購現金價****.-
JS: A wine with clarity and freshness. Medium to full body, fine tannins and a clean and long finish. Very balanced and delicate. Crisp yet fruity. Nice austerity. Almost all old vines of 50 years or more. From the owner of Pingus. Aged in 10,000 liters casks. Tinto and 12% garnacha.
RP: 2013 was not an easy vintage in Ribera del Duero; it was a cold growing season and they had to work a lot to control the large amount of vineyards used for the production of the 2013 PSI. They had to do a lot of sorting, and do a gentle vinification and élevage in oak. The percentage of Garnacha has grown to around 10%, while the rest is, of course, Tempranillo. The wine has a fruit-driven profile, fresh and clean, developing some notes of flowers and red berries. When the year could have been something like 1993, 1997 or 2002, the last problematic vintages in Ribera, this 2013 resulted much better than any of those. It might have been a little reduced at first, but once it's in contact with air for some time, it opens up (so decanting the wine in advance might be a good idea), and is more approachable than the previous vintage. This could be a lighter year that drinks quite well and was a real triumph over nature.
JS: JamesSuckling.com,RP: Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate
以上價格歡迎來信 :letoilevin@gmail.com
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