< 紀念153年風華的限量版佳釀 >
Beaune 1er Cru 2012 Cuvée Anniversaire, Louis Jadot
Louis Jadot是伯恩市中的超級酒商,在1826年由Clos des Ursules葡萄園起家,1859年以自己的名字創立酒商並逐漸買入不少葡萄園,傳到第四代時委託Andre Gagey管理。現任總經理Pierre-Henri Gagey在1985年進入這家自1962年起即由他父親Andre管理的酒商,這一年Louis Jadot家族將酒廠賣給美國經銷商Kopf家族(Kobrand)。Pierre-Henri Gagey在1992年全權接掌,高科技和企管專才的背景,加上與1970就出任釀酒師的Jacques Lardiere之合作無間,Pierre-Henri很快就將Louis Jadot推上再上一層樓的高峰,迄今都維持著其他酒商難以企及的聲譽。
首次以傳統混和法所推出的紀念創業150周年特別版之Beaune 1er Cru 2009 Cuvée Anniversaire,大受好評,三年之後再遇到2012這樣一個別具特色的上好年份,Louis Jadot決定再次推出此一特別版佳釀,另外也讓在剛在2013年接手Jacques Lardiere的Frederic Barnier有一個大展身手的機會。這款特別版佳釀精選Louis Jadot所擁有來自於包括Clos des Ursules, Les Boucherottes, Les Pertuisots, Les Theurons, Les Toussaints和Les Vignes Franches等17片伯恩一級園的最高品質葡萄,在新任首席釀酒師Frederic Barnier的監製下,依照完美比例調配混釀,並在橡木桶中陳年培醞長達18個月而成。特殊的酒標設計,以Louis Jadot長久以來最為酒迷熟悉的酒神Bacchus頭像為主題,並加上這些伯恩一級園的名稱環繞而成。(2012 Cuvée Anniversaire尚未裝瓶,下圖為取2009之參考包裝示意圖)
星澈酒品獻上Louis Jadot的Beaune 1er Cu 2012 Cuvée Anniversaire,限量生產的紀念酒款加上的超高評價,敬請參考並把握預購良機!
2012 Beaune 1er Cru 2012 Cuvée Anniversaire 分數AG92-94 BH 89-92
750ml 預購現金價****.-(最低訂量3瓶)/1500ml<極限量>預購現金價****.- (最低訂量2瓶)
Building off the considerable success of their 2009 Beaune 150th Anniversary 1er Cru, Jadot has decided to make the wine again in top years. One of the highlights in this range, the 2012 boasts stunning power, depth and harmony. The lifted aromatics recall the Ursules, but here the fruit possesses more volume and creaminess. An explosive, layered finish rounds things out in style. Some of the parcels in the blend are Avaux, Cent Vignes, Pertuisots, Vignes Franches, Perrières, Toussaints and Chouacheux. Antonio Galloni, Vinous Jan. 2014
There is the same hint of pine cone that is present on the Pommard along with more typical notes of earth, dark cherry and spice. The mid-palate is markedly supple with a fleshy and pliant texture as the middle weight flavors are shaped by well-integrated tannins that contribute to a sense of harmony on the attractively complex and lingering finale. This is more forward than most of these Beaune 1ers and should be a good candidate to enjoy young if desired. Allen Meadows, Burghound#54 Apr. 15 2014
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