Le Vieux Donjon
成立於1979年的Le Vieux Donjon,採用遵循傳統的方式釀酒,所生產的教皇新堡紅酒以Grenache(75%)、Syrah(10%)、Mourvedre(10%)和Cinsault(5%)混釀而成。葡萄僅部份去梗破皮,經過短時間的低溫泡皮即在水泥槽中進行發酵,之後進入大型橡木桶中進行18~24個月的陳年培醞。Le Vieux Donjon一直以來秉持務實傳統的風格,當教皇新堡產區拜Robert Parker的特別偏愛、許多酒莊紛紛忙於創造花俏的多款不同cuvee之際,Le Vieux Donjon一直以來都維持僅生產一紅一白共兩款酒,認真專心在葡萄品質的提升,而且酒莊近16公頃的葡萄園(其中約一公頃為種植白色品種 ),有超過三分之一為百年以上的老藤,特別是Grenache老藤,在有機種植的長期照料下,提供了釀出好酒的最佳原料,無怪乎每年平均4,000~4,500箱(收成較差年份則降為2,500箱左右)的產量,總是在第一時間就被長期酒迷一訂而光,這其中也包括了Robert Parker,他曾公開的表示他已經連續十幾年每年都會訂購Le Vieux Donjon紅白酒,穩定的高品質與平實的售價,絕對稱得是教皇新堡產區中最偉大的酒莊之一。
Le Vieux Donjon的教皇新堡紅酒展現出巨大恢弘的結構,豐沛綿密的單寧與果酸,如同肌肉和骨頭一樣架構出強而有力的酒體,但卻是肌理線條明顯,充滿細緻與優雅,完全不會感覺過於厚重黏膩,堪稱最高品質的極致表現,這也無怪乎連年獲得各大專業媒體的高度評價,2005年份更榮登Wine Spectator 2007年度百大第三名(WS: 95)。
星澈酒品獻上最新的2015 年份Le Vieux Donjon教皇新堡紅酒,絕對是品嚐和珍藏此一傑出年份(RP年份評鑑為93T)最物超所值的佳釀之一,敬請參考並把握預購良機!
2015 Le Vieux Donjon Châeauneuf-du-Pape RP93-95 AG93-95
預購現金價****.- /****.- (1.5L)
The 2015 Châteauneuf du Pape is a classic blend of 75% Grenache, 10% Syrah, 10% Mourvèdre and 5% Cinsault, mostly from rolled stone terroirs, that was partially destemmed and will see 15 months all in foudre. It boasts a deep ruby/purple color as well as full-bodied richness, sweet tannin and textbook Southern Rhône notes of cured meats, toasted spice, garrigue and ample red and black fruits. It will have two decades or more of prime drinking.
Along with a small handful of other estates, I consider Claire Michel’s le Vieux Donjon at the top of the heap when it comes to classic, age-worthy and traditionally made Châteauneuf du Papes.
by Jeb Dunnuck, Robert Parkr’s Wine Advocate#227, Oct 2016
Vivid ruby. Sexy, high-pitched red berry preserve, floral pastille and Asian spice aromas show outstanding clarity. Sappy, penetrating black raspberry, spicecake and licorice flavors gain weight with air and pick up suggestions of blood orange and smoky minerals. Shows impressive depth and polish, alluring sweetness and no rough edges. Showcases the best attributes of this warm vintage, finishing with silky, mounting tannins and lingering florality.
by Josh Raynolds, Antonio Galloni’s Vinous, Mar 2017
RP: Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate AG: Antonio Galloni’s Vinous