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經過30幾年來的經營,Bernard Gros把原先屬於姑姑與大伯所擁有的Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur招牌擦得更亮,除了因為擁有難得的Richebourg、Grands Echezeaux、Echezeaux以及就位在Musigny旁的Clos de Vougeot“Musigni”等四塊頂級園的得天獨厚因素之外,他自身對釀酒事業的投入與心血,才是造就今日不凡名聲的最重要原因。全世界的酒迷幾乎沒有不認識暱稱為”金杯”的Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur,這樣得肯定就是把代表勝利的榮耀獎杯頒給Bernard Gros!本款Bourgogne-Hautes-Côtes-de-Nuits紅酒,來自位於上夜丘Concoeur村的約九公頃黑皮諾葡萄園,是由Bernard Gros購入並重新栽種了將近90%的葡萄樹以追求更高品質的葡萄,平均數齡約20年。為強調新鮮的活力和芬芳的果味,本款紅酒不使用新桶,只用培醞過Vonse-Romanée紅酒1~2年的舊桶。純淨細緻,柔美芳醇,是一親金盃芳澤的最輕鬆選擇。

Alain Burguet除了釀造出被林裕森老師推崇為心目中最完美的Geverey-Chambertin村莊級紅酒-”Mes Favorites Vielles Vignes”之外,辛勤耕耘的他所釀造其餘的酒款一樣精采出色,連最基本款的Bourgogne Les Pince Vin紅酒,都有著超越同級的絕佳酒風。因為來自Geverey-Chambertin村北邊的” Les Pince Vin”單一園,這片約一公頃的葡萄園因為形狀類似鉗子,因而得名。樹齡極老,六成以上為超過55年的老藤,精選最佳成熟度的黑皮諾,天然發酵後在新桶比例約20%的橡木桶培醞約18個才大功告成,一貫的堅持,同樣展現強勁、精緻、多變化卻如金字塔般均衡穩定的風格,無怪乎這款年產量約500箱的基本款紅酒一樣備受酒迷推崇而搶手難得。


2014 Bourgogne-Hautes-Côtes-de-Nuits ,Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur

BH86-89 Top Value 預購現金價***.-

A discreet if not invisible touch of wood sets off the pretty and very fresh aromas of violets and red and dark currant scents. The richer and somewhat surprisingly, even riper medium weight flavors exude a subtle minerality before terminating in an utterly delicious, vibrant and well-balanced finale. This is really quite good and worth considering as an inexpensive candidate for an ageworthy house red. 

by Allen Meadows’ Burghound.com#61, Jan 15, 2016

2014 Bourgogne Les Pince Vin ,Domaine Alain Burguet

BH86-89 Top Value 預購現金價****.-

A fresh, ripe and relatively airy nose features notes of various red berries along with ample earth influence. The vibrant, sleek and intense middle weight flavors possess excellent depth and length on the delicious finale that exhibits only a trace of rusticity. This is really quite good for what it is.

by Allen Meadows’ Burghound.com#61, Jan 15, 2016

BH: Allen Meadows’ Burghound.com


以上價格歡迎來信 :etoile@letoilevin.com



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