2012 Pio Cesare Baroli

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      Pio Cesare酒莊自1881年在Barolo知名產區Piemonte區設立,一百多年來堅持量少質精,只用自家葡萄園和長期簽約合作的農家,以嚴選的方式精挑葡萄釀製.隨著市面上越來越多新派的酒莊為討好市場多使用小橡木桶釀出可以早飲的酒款,而堅持傳統使用大酒桶的傳統釀法的酒,因為需要更長的陳年時間才能飲用,因此像Pio Cesare這樣的酒莊反倒像是一股清流,頑固地繼續堅持著義大利的傳統.

    酒莊所屬Barolo Ornato酒款象徵其表現Barolo極致風土美味的頂級之作,100% Nebbiolo來自位於名村Serralunga d'Alba的單一葡萄園Ornato,限定年份限量生產,品質非凡。

    Barolo為Pio Cesare酒莊的經典酒款,採收自家族分別位於Serralunga d'Alba, Grinzane Cavour, La Morra,Barolo-Novello四個村子的葡萄園之100% Nebbiolo葡萄精釀陳年而成,評價極高,2004年份更榮獲Wine Spectator 2008年度世界百大名酒第六名!

星澈酒品獻上Pio Cesare最新年份的Barolo Ornato 2012和Barolo 2012,兩款義大利酒中之王的上乘佳釀,敬請參考並把握預購良機!

2012 Pio Cesare Barolo Ornato JS98 預購現金價****.- (六入原木箱)

This is amazingly structured with tight and polished tannins that give this wine superb linear length and balance. Full body, bright and focused fruit. Goes on for minutes. Beautiful now but better in 2020.    by James Suckling

2012 Pio Cesare Barolo JS95 預購現金價****.- (六入原木箱)

This is a young Barolo that builds on the palate with super silky tannins and fantastic pure and delicious fruit. Hints of hazelnut, plum and dark berry character. Full and polished tannins. Better in 2019 but so delicious now.  By James Suckling


JS: JamesSuckling.com

以上價格歡迎來信 :etoile@letoilevin.com



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    Pio Cesare Barolo Ornato Barolo

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