
Pavelot Pavelot2  

論起Savigny-lès-Beaune最出色的酒莊,Domaine Pavelot絕對名列前茅,Jean-Marc Pavelot從70年代接手經營,在他的天份和認真無比的經營之下,品質更益發突飛猛進,而且在他的指導之下,兒子Hugues不但對釀酒充滿興趣而且頗得父親的真傳,已逐漸接掌釀酒的重責大任,父子齊心,繼續釀造出穩定高品質的款款佳釀。Domaine Pavelot的葡萄園採用傳統式的種植方法,除非必要,不然儘量不使用化學藥劑,除了坡度太陡的區塊外,大多都使用犁田來替代除草劑的使用。12公頃包括8片一級園及2片村莊級的葡萄園,全部都是人工採收,葡萄傾向100%去梗後發酵,村莊級完全不使用新桶,一級園的培養也僅僅使用約15-30%的新桶。

獲選Remington Norman之大作-”The Great Domaines of Burgundy”位於Savigny-lès-Beaune四家名莊之一的Domaine Pavelot,生產的葡萄酒總是充滿芬芳豐富的果性,同時表現出溫柔優雅的細緻度,款款均稱得上是”vins de terroir”往往能表現出風土的不同特色,讓品飲者在享受到絕佳品質的同時又能充分體驗來自土地特色的樂趣!更難得是Domaine Pavelot訂價實在,就算稱不上全世界,但至少一定是全布根地最物超所值的酒莊之一!

星澈酒品獻上Domaine Pavelot特別釋出的兩款一級園佳釀:Savigny-lès-Beaune 1er Cru Aux Guettes 2008Savigny-lès-Beaune 1er Cru Aux Gravains 2008酒莊直出的窖藏陳年年份,現正進入越來越好喝的階段,酒質精彩優異,展現出迷人無比的風土滋味。超值推薦、輕鬆享受,絕對是最令人雀躍的布根地優質好酒!配額十分有限,敬請參考並把握預購機會!

2008 Savigny-lès-Beaune 1er Cru Aux Guettes BH89-92Sweet spot Outstandin預購現金價****.-


Here the nose is the most complex to this point with notes of damp earth, crushed rock to the airy and cool red pinot fruit that complements equally pure and stony middle weight flavors that display excellent precision as well as a sense of underlying tension on the firm, linear and driving finish. A classic Guettes with its firm minerality.  Drink: 2015+

                                                            Allen Meadows’ Burghound Issue 38-Apr 18, 2010

2008 Savigny-lès-Beaune 1er Cru Aux Gravains BH89-91 預購現金價****.-


Interestingly, this is not quite as complex as the Guettes but it's more elegant with notably ripe aromas of cassis, plum and black cherry that dissolve seamlessly into mineral-driven, firm and delicious middle weight flavors that possess fine length and an almost delicate quality to the finish. A Savigny of finesse.  Drink: 2015+

                                                           Allen Meadows’ Burghound Issue 38-Apr 18, 2010


BH: Allen Meadows’ Burghound.com

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