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Château de Beaucastel Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2012
“What I think might end up being the best Beaucastel since the 1990 or 2001…”
-Jeb Dunnuck, eRobertParker.com #215 Oct 2014
由Perrin家族所擁有的Château de Beaucastel絕對稱得上是南隆河教皇新堡產區(Châteauneuf-du-Pape)中最出色的酒莊之一,也是大名鼎鼎的Primum Familiae Vini 成員之一(頂尖家族酒莊協會,成員包括Ch Mouton-Rothschild, Antinori, Egon-Muller, Vega-Sicilia等11家酒莊)。Perrin家族在1909年購入Château de Beaucastel之後,就不斷致力於將南隆河的經典特色加以發揚光大,慎選最佳的地塊,充分展現其風土之獨特風味。由於體會到葡萄酒是上天的美麗賜禮,從六零年代開始,酒莊就全面採用有機種植,以維護生態的均衡,讓自然之美恣意在每一款酒瓶中綻放。
六個世代在酒業經營的Perrin家族,相當尊敬傳統並以此引以為傲,幸運地能在法國最古老也是最先成立法定產區之一的教皇新堡擁有知名的Château de Beaucastel,Perrin家族更是戰戰兢兢地全力維護傳統的名聲,這些努力充分的展現在酒莊的旗艦酒款-Châteauneuf-du-Pape教皇新堡紅酒之上。儘管新的潮流讓許多酒莊逐漸以Granache為主並減少傳統的多品種混釀,但Perrin家族仍然堅持傳統,以Mourvèdre為主加以混釀Granache、Syrah等共13個法定品種來釀造這一款Châteauneuf-du-Pape教皇新堡紅酒,這13個品種種植在上百公頃的葡萄園中,從六零年代就開始有機種植,超過五十年以上的平均樹齡,加上Perrin家族歷代以來的精湛釀酒技法,打造出Chateau de Beaucastel Chateauneuf-du-Pape教皇新堡紅酒不凡的名聲,持續且穩定的卓越品質,不但是喜歡南隆河酒迷之心中首選,亦可稱得上是法國最偉大的酒款之一。
星澈酒品獻上Château de Beaucastel Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2012,是繼2001以來最精彩的年份,也有可能成為史上最好的年份之一;並同時獻上特別酒款-Châteauneuf-du-Pape Hommage à Jacques Perrin 2012和Châteauneuf-du-Pape Roussanne Vieilles Vignes 2013,二紅一白同時呈獻,皆是不可多得的精彩酒款,敬請參考並把握預購良機。
2012 Châteauneuf-du-Pape 分數RP96 預購現金價**** 最低訂量6瓶
What I think might end up being the best Beaucastel since the 1990 or 2001, the 2012 Châteauneuf du Pape offers a full-bodied, decadent style to go with awesome black and blue fruits, garrigue, licorice, crushed flowers and violets. The purity here is truly something, and it has fabulous mid-palate concentration, building tannin and massive texture. Given all of the fruit and texture here, it will no doubt drink well in its youth, but it should still be alive and kicking after two decades as well.
2013 CNDP Roussanne Vieilles Vignes 分數RP97 預購現金價**** 最低訂量6瓶
Similar in color to the classic white, the 2013 Châteauneuf du Pape Roussanne Vieilles Vignes is deeper and richer, with more viscosity, glycerin and minerality. Loaded with notes of buttered citrus, flowers, orange marmalade and crushed-rock nuances, this beauty hits the palate with full-bodied power, juicy, lively acidity and terrific length. Like the classic white, this does not go through malolactic fermentation, but sees slightly more oak (some new) in its élevage, which always gives it slightly more richness, as well as hints of vanilla in its youth. It’s unquestionably the greatest white wine coming from the Southern Rhône, and while I prefer to drink it in its first 4-6 years, it can evolve for decades. *六入原木箱包裝特別發行中
2012 CNDP Hommage à Jacques Perrin 分數RP99 預購現金價***** 最低訂量3瓶
<極限量> Chateauneuf-du-Pape Hommage à Jacques Perrin是在1989這個絕佳年份才開始決定生產的頂級酒款,並同時用來獻給其先父- Jacques Perrin,以表達子女對父親無限的感恩與追思之情。本酒款主要以精選園中特優老藤Mourvèdre為主(通常比例為60%),與小比例的Grenache、Counoise和 Syrah混釀而成,集Perrin家族優良釀酒技藝的大成,本酒展現出巨大恢弘的結構,無比紮實的口感與深度,也不正像是描述父親那扛起全家重擔的強壯肩膀之最佳寫照?!也成就本款頂級佳釀另一個令人感動的偉大意義。
Hommage à Jacques Perrin自1989開始,只在最佳年份生產,每個年份僅能收成釀造約一個foudre(5,000公升),生產約5,000~6,000瓶左右,十分珍稀罕見。
RP: Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate
以上品項價格請來店/電或Email洽詢 02-25473860 0958-878666 letoilevin@gmail.com