Galardi Terra di Lavoro
被譽為”南義酒王”的Galardi Terra di Lavoro,永遠不斷地開創自己的傳奇,堅持品質的要求,每個年份都是打破之前年份的紀錄,在酒迷的驚嘆聲中成就各上層樓。重量級權威媒體的一致推崇,用穩定的高品質絕對不足以形容,Galardi Terra di Lavoro已經是釀酒工藝最精湛表現的絕頂佳釀!
位於義大利西南部Campania產區的Galardi酒莊,是由家族親戚在1991年所共同成立的,從1994年第一年份上市以來,全心全力打造、只生產一款紅酒。這款以Terra di Lavoro為名的酒,字面意義是”勞動之地(land of labor),除了某種程度的歷史意義之外,更代表當初在這一片充滿火山礫岩與碎石開墾出葡萄良田的艱辛歷程。不過累積許多汗水之後的收穫總是特別甜美,這款主要當地最著名的Aglianico和 Piedirosso品種混釀而成(比例約80:20)的佳釀,加上極度篩選的超低產量與酒莊的釀酒工藝,展現出令人驚艷無比的深度,結構恢宏複雜,質地細緻優雅,充分反映出地中海風土的美好滋味。
星澈酒品獻上Galardi Terra di Lavoro 2017和2018,限量特價供應來自義大利南部最精采的酒王佳釀,敬請參考並把握預購良機!
2017 Galardi Terra di Lavoro AG95 JS96 預購現金價 ****.-
2018 Galardi Terra di Lavoro JS96 預購現金價 ****.-
The 2017 Terra di Lavoro is wonderfully seductive in its youthful state, wafting up from the glass effortlessly, with a bouquet that mixes wild blueberries and black raspberries with sweet lavender, violet florals, and smoky spiced citrus. The 2017 takes hold of the palate with salty minerality, but not before coating everything it touches with luxurious, velvety textures, cascading ripe black fruits across the senses, and leaving a purple floral tinge. Grippy tannins frame the long and dramatic finish, resonating on dark fruits, savory spice, and lingering florals. There is really so much going on here that it’s hard to focus on just one thing; but if nothing else, it’s the salty grip of the 2017 Terra di Lavoro that boggles the mind, brimming up over the wine's intense dark fruit. Lose this for a decade in the cellar and marvel once it’s unearthed.. by Eric Guido, April 2020,
AG: Antonio Galloni’s,JS: