- 嚴選♥Outstanding的布根地輕鬆小品 -
已故布根地釀酒之神Henri Jayer先生的傳人之一Jean-Nicolas Meo在1988年正式接手Domaine Meo-Camuzet,除了酒莊擁有絕佳位置的葡萄園與Henri Jayer先生傾全力的傳授畢生功夫之外,再加上Jean-Nicholas的努力,讓本酒莊儼然成為布根地最頂尖的名字之一。這款以酒商標籤標示的布根地地區級紅酒,除了購買來自熟悉的果農位於Marsannay、Fixin、Morey與Nuits-St-Georges等村莊級的黑皮諾葡萄果實或葡萄酒之外,也加入部份酒莊自有於Vosne-Romanée與Flagey村的葡萄園之老藤果實。釀造方式嚴守Meo-Camuzet一貫的最高品質標準,注重酒質的細緻優雅,避免過度萃取,並且盡量使用較多的舊橡木桶,以表現清新果味並同時讓酒可以較早享用。在2015這個布根地的世紀年份中,大多數的地區級與村莊級的酒款都有著不同凡響的酒質表現,不但現階段已經是香醇可口,並且具有相當的陳年實力。來自於名莊Meo-Camuzet的這款Bourgogne Rouge絕對堪稱一嘗2015布根地的最聰明選擇之一。
Alain Burguet除了釀造出被林裕森老師推崇為心目中最完美的Gevrey-Chambertin村莊級紅酒-Mes Favorites Vielles Vignes之外,辛勤耕耘的他所釀造其餘的酒款一樣精采出色,連最基本款的Bourgogne Les Pince Vin紅酒,都有著超越同級的絕佳酒風。因為來自Gevrey-Chambertin村北邊的Les Pince Vin單一園,這片約一公頃的葡萄園因為形狀類似鉗子,因而得名。樹齡極老,六成以上為超過55年的老藤,精選最佳成熟度的黑皮諾,天然發酵後在新桶比例約20%的橡木桶培醞約18個才大功告成,一貫的堅持,同樣展現強勁、精緻、多變化卻如金字塔般均衡穩定的風格,無怪乎這款年產量約500箱的基本款紅酒一樣備受酒迷推崇而搶手難得。
2015 Bourgogne Rouge,Meo-Camuzet Frère et Soeurs
BH86-89♥Outstanding Top value預購現金價****.-
A super fresh and bright nose features notes of various red berries and a whisper of earth that is picked up by the attractively textured and vibrant flavors that possess an unusually refined mouth feel relative to what is typical for the genre. I like the complexity and there is enough structure to suggest that this should keep well too. Recommended as it would make for a good all-around house red. by Allen Meadows’ Burghound.com#65, Jan 15, 2017
2015 Bourgogne Les Pince Vin,Domaine Alain Burguet
A very pretty nose features notes of both red and dark berries along with a deft application of wood. There is good richness to the relatively generous flavors that possess a succulent mouth feel while offering fine depth and length for the genre. There is a hint of warmth but it's quite subtle. by Allen Meadows’ Burghound.com#65, Jan 15, 2017