最難入手的Brunello di Montalcino

Salvioni Brunello di Montalcino

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Giulio Salvioni 在1985年創立了以家族姓氏為名的Salvioni酒莊,他深知這塊家族從二十世紀初就擁有的”La Cerbaiola”葡萄園的無比潛力,為了達到心目中的至高標準,他同時禮聘了Attilio Pagli為釀酒顧問,曾於Case Basse di Soldera工作多時的 Attilio Pagli,受教於傳奇大師 Giulio Gambelli,功力自當了不得。生長於蒙塔奇諾海拔約400公尺La Cerbaiola葡萄園的Sangiovese,品質優異,Giulio Salvioni並採用長達2530天的傳統發酵與浸皮法,全部由天然酵母自發性的進行發酵,發酵完成後儲放於2,000公升的大型斯拉夫橡木桶進行陳年培醞。La Cerbaiola葡萄園面積僅約三公頃,從種植、釀造到裝瓶,全部維持傳統的手工方式,也由於這樣經人和大地的直接接觸,方能傳遞最真切動人的手造風味。Rosso和Brunello兩款的產量很少,十分珍稀罕見。年產量僅約500~800箱Brunello di Montalcino,被Antonio Galloni先生比喻為就像是Giacomo Conterno酒莊的 Barolo Cascina Francia,有著無比崇高的評價,是酒迷最能引以為傲的夢幻逸品

相較於早已入無人可及境界的Case Basse di Soldera之優雅飄渺,Salvioni除了表現出Sangiovese迷人多變的複雜層次之外,雄壯陽剛的氣勢足以與當今任何一款頂尖的Barolo相提並論。這兩家同受Giulio Gambelli大師指導的酒莊,在堅持蒙塔奇諾(Montalcino)這個義大利葡萄酒聖地的光榮傳統的同時,並融入了個人獨特的思維,釀造出精彩迷人的佳釀,在飲用可口之餘,更是充滿衷心的感動。

星澈酒品獻上最新年份Salvioni Brunello di Montalcino 2011的珍貴配額,敬請參考並把握預購良機!

2011 Salvioni Brunello di Montalcino RP95 AG 94 預購現金價****.-

Salvioni's 2010 Brunello di Montalcino is deceptively medium in body and almost Burgundian in style at this stage in its life. Rose petal, cherry pit, smoke and tobacco notes abound as this delicate, understated Brunello very gradually reveals its striking beauty. Unlike so many 2010s, the Salvioni Brunello needs at least a few years in bottle, as it is quite shy and reticent today. Still, there is plenty of the classic Salvioni fruit, bouquet and texture in the glass. Once again, the Salvioni family has crafted one of the most exquisite, pure wines in Montalcino. Interestingly, a bottle tasted in my office in New York was far more expressive than the bottle I tasted at the winery. Readers who can find the 2010 should not hesitate, as it is fabulous. I imagine the 2010 will provide 20-25 years of drinking pleasure.                                       by Antonio Galloni, Vinous Feb 2015

The Salvioni Brunello di Montalcino is absolutely brilliant in 2010, possessing all the components of a truly legendary wine. As this begins to unwind in the glass, gorgeous aromas of pure dark cherries and blackberries start to take on additional layers of fresh spring florals, crushed stones, mint, exotic spices and a touch of smoky minerals, which are impossible to resist. This continues to impress on the palate with its beautiful velvety texture as well as amazing structure and depth. It remains focused and balanced, as it makes a seamless transistion into the long finish that lingers on and on. Today, this is only begining to express itself and there is no doubt this age worthy Brunello will continue to take in additional characteristics with time. Year after year, Giulio Salvioni consistently produces some of the very best Brunello di Montalcino, but in 2010 it is simply flawless. (Best 2018-2036)                                                                          by International Wine Report Mar 2015



RP: Robert Parkers Wine AdvocoteAG: Antonio Galloni’s Vinousmedia.com  

以上價格歡迎來信 :letoilevin@gmail.com



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    Brunello di Montalcino Salvioni

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