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Sine Qua Non Mr K   

It is the hands & minds of Alois Kracher and E. & M. Manfred Krankl

that are

Mr. K

在著名的加州膜拜酒(cult wine)之中,有著最獨樹一幟風格得就非Sine Qua Non莫屬,這個由Manfred Krankl一手打造的酒莊,處處展露他與眾不同的釀酒風格(或說處世哲學),光看以拉丁文Sine Qua Non的酒莊名字(字義為不可或缺的事物或必要的條件),就令人印象深刻。Manfred是奧地利人,他在22歲時第一次流浪的加拿大多倫多,不會說英文的他根本無法找到工作維生,跌跌撞撞之後返回歐洲,當過一陣子卡車司機,不到一年之後,他又開始冒險飛到加州開始他的闖天下之旅,這次他順利在一個同鄉所開設的知名乳酪店找到工作機會,他一面打工一面學英文,後來找到飯店的工作,或許之前在乳酪店的待客訓練,他在飯店業發展順利,還在段時間晉升為Westwood Plaza的總經理,不僅如此,他還經營的有聲有色,讓該飯店成為同連鎖體系中獲利最高的飯店,但或許一切都太順利,不甘一成不變與毫無挑戰的他,於1989年又開始和朋友合夥進軍餐飲業,在洛杉磯開了一家餐廳與一家烘焙坊,而且一夕成為名店。在同時,由於本身對釀酒的興趣,為此與太太Elaine、五個兒女舉家遷移到西凡吐拉市(West Ventura)的偏僻郊區,在那裏他添購了完整的設備開始自行釀酒,自此 Sine Qua Non誕生。一開始只是閒暇的嗜好,但由於品質相當好,朋友們鼓勵他多釀一些出售,在1994年,它生產了100箱,幾乎瞬間銷售一空,知名評論家Robert Parker先生在一次機緣中喝到一瓶,驚為天人,給予95分的高分評價,這對一個小酒莊而且是第一個年份,幾乎是不可能發生的天方夜譚。Sine Qua Non一開始便奠定其不同凡響的名聲。

或許是天生釀酒師的基因,在葡萄酒的世界,Manfred Krankl找到他恣意遨遊的空間,他賣掉了餐廳股份,從此不需要整天跟職員、顧客和會計師打交道,時間可以花在他所深愛的葡萄園與橡木桶之間,釀造葡萄酒對他而言彷彿是創作藝術品,他是充滿天份的,所有的酒都是在他盲測之後決定釀造比例,每個年份、每個酒款,都是反世俗的以充滿寓意的名字命名,每個酒瓶形狀也不是規規矩矩的工業化樣式,他甚至自行設計酒標,不過這不僅是天馬行空的神來之筆而已,Manfred Krankl是一個生活哲學家,他享受他現在的人生,釀酒是其中一部份,他也愛音樂、重型機車和藝術,這些生活中的美好經驗都是他靈感得來源。

只選擇做自己想做的葡萄酒,身為奧地利人的Manfred Krankl,血液中自然是充滿了甜酒的基因,他在酒莊成立不久就和好友、也是史上最偉大的甜酒釀酒師Alois Kracher合作,尋找加州最適切的風土釀造最頂尖的甜蜜佳釀。在兩人的聯手和聯心之下(It is the hands & minds of Alois Kracher and E. & M. Manfred Krankl),無論是Gewurztraminer、Viognier的冰酒、Marsanne、Semillon的麥稈風乾法甜酒或是Chardonnay的TBA型態貴腐甜酒等等一系列特別命名為Mr. K的甜酒佳釀,每一款都猶如瓊漿玉液,高超的品質,令無數酒迷為之心醉神迷,但無奈命運捉弄,Alois Kracher因癌症不幸在2007年辭世,Manfred Krankl在傷悲中繼續完成好友的遺志,在2010年,最後一個年份-2006的Mr. K 上市的同時,宣布Mr. K系列就此停產,酒迷在無限遺憾之中只能感謝並珍藏Mr. K系列曾帶來的許多甜蜜回憶。

星澈酒品獻上最後一個年份的Sine Qua Non Mr. K Combo Box 2006,同時獻上兩款老年份的Mr K Noble Man 2002和2003,珍藏大師的甜蜜絕響,錯過機會不再,敬請參考並把握!

2006 Sine Qua Non Mr. K Combo Box  (已結束)

(內裝1Straw Man+2Noble Man 皆為375ml)

Straw Man為來自Beckmen葡萄園的Marsanne品種麥稈風乾法甜酒。Noble Man為來自Alban葡萄園的Chardonnay品種,TBA型態貴腐甜酒。

The 2006 Mr. K The Straw Man Marsanne Vin de Paille is 100% Marsanne from the Beckmen Vineyard that boasts 240 grams of residual sugar per liter. A medium gold-colored effort, it reveals more marmalade notes interwoven with notions of maple syrup, honeysuckle, and exotic tropical fruits. While untuously-textured with remarkable sweetness, it is not cloying because of the fresh acids. I have no idea how long these wines will last, but they will undoubtedly keep for many years.

The 2006 Mr. K. The Noble Man Chardonnay (200 grams of residual sugar per liter) reveals phenomenal fresh, lively acidity as well as wonderful honeyed peach, marmalade, tropical fruit, and creme brulee characteristics. It is a Trockenbeerenauslese-styled wine that is a fitting tribute to the effusive and much revered Alois Kracher.

by Robert Parker, Wine Advocate #184 Aug 2009

2003 Sine Qua Non Mr. K Noble Man 375ml (已結束)

The 2003 Mr. K. The Noble Man, a 100% Chardonnay made from botrytised fruit, possesses 278 grams of residual sugar per liter and 9.9 grams of acid per liter. There are a whopping 537 cases of half bottles. While deep golden-hued and honeyed, with brilliant unctuosity, thickness, and richness, it takes third place when ranked against its two sweet siblings. Readers should think of it as a Chardonnay Trockenbeerenauslese.

by Robert Parker, Wine Advocate #166 Aug 2006

2002 Sine Qua Non Mr. K Noble Man 375ml (已結束)

The 2002 Mr. K The Noble Man (321 grams per liter of residual sugar and 10.25 grams per liter of acidity) is made from 100% botrytised Chardonnay. Its medium gold color is followed by a wine with honeyed complexity, and huge body, sweetness, and thickness. This effort is never as complex or focused as its siblings, but it is still a phenomenal sweet wine that can stand on its own merits against any great sweet wine made in the world.

by Robert Parker, Wine Advocate #159 Jun 2005


以上品項價格請來店/電或Email洽詢 02-25473860 0958-878666




以上為現金預售價 預計到貨日2014.11月


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